Interoception: Inside Out

Discover the missing piece of the puzzle for developing your child's emotional regulation skills.

Want to learn exactly what to do to help your child to recognise, respond to and regulate their own emotions …but don’t want to spend hours trawling through the internet researching for ideas, that never help anyway?

I’ll help you create your very own toolkit of simple strategies, tools and fun activities that you can start using instantly (and keep using to continually improve your child’s emotional regulation skills).

During Interoception: Inside Out, you will: 

🗸 Learn how to teach your child to recognise their own body signals through fun activities you can play as a whole family

🗸 How to help your child to connect their body signals to their emotions

🗸 Practical strategies and tools that you and your child can use to reduce the frequency and intensity of their emotional outbursts

🗸 Feel confident to successfully overcome your child’s emotional regulation challenges


4 x on-demand workshops with Vicky

4 x Workbooks 

Interoception: Inside Out is an on-demand workshop that is hosted on an online platform (free app) that you can access for 8 weeks.


🗸 My proven 3 step process to improve interoception - and how to tweak these for children of all ages and developmental level

🗸 Sensory based activities to improve awareness of each of the senses

🗸 How to explain body signals to your child, and how they connect to their emotions, in a way that your child will actually understand

🗸 Child-friendly resources to work through together with your child so they are fully involved in each step of the process

🗸 The keys to choosing the right strategies and how to use them effectively to avoid those sensory meltdowns 

🗸 How to teach your child to recognise and act upon the feelings inside their body appropriately  

🗸 The simple tools & resources I’ve used with hundreds of families to improve their child’s interoceptive awareness at home




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